EHEH – Eindhoven Air Base


  • Eindhoven CTR is assigned as controlled airspace (Class C)
  • For all VFR flights in the CTR, permission is required from Eindhoven Tower
  • All VFR flights within Eindhoven CTR must file a flightplan
  • VFR flights must be executed via the arrival/departure routes, unless other instructed by ATC.
  • ILS-area: VFR flights within the CTR can be instructed by ATC to stay clear of this area.
  • Marked areas must be avoid.
  • Trainingflight for commercial aviation are, except for aircraft which have Eindhoven as homebase, prohibited.
  • Standard circuit height is 1000ft AMSL for aircraft with a MTOW < 2000 kg and 1500 ft AMSL for aircraft with MTOW ≥ 2000 kg.

Visual departure procedures
Before engine start-up, the pilot must first have obtained “start-up clearance”. This clearance can be obtained by contacting Eindhoven Ground and shall be given directly or dependant on traffic density at a fixed time.

A request for start-up contains:

  • aircraft identification and type
  • position
  • ATIS-information
  • Flightrules
  • Destination
  • Number of passengers onboard
  • Request engine start-up


Pilot: “Eindhoven Ground, PHPME, TB10, Opposite tower, Information ‘J’, VFR to Seppe, POB 2, Request start-up.”

Aircraft with MTOW < 2000 kg

Unless otherwise instructed or permitted climb to 1000 ft AMSL.

  • ZULU Departure.
    After departure follow the VFR-route via MIKE and VICTOR to ZULU
  • YANKEE Departure.
    After departure follow the VFR-route via MIKE and VICTOR to YANKEE
  • WISKEY Departure.
    After departure follow the VFR-route via HOTELand OSCAR to WISKEY
  • TANGO Departure.
    After departure follow the VFR-route via HOTEL and OSACAR to TANGO.
  • For other directions.
    Departure instructions will be given.

Aircraft with MTOW ≥ 2000 kg

Unless otherwise instructed or permitted climb to 1000 ft AMSL
Aircraft must maintain RWY-track till:

  • 3 DME EHV after departure from RWY 21
  • 4 DME EHV after departure from RWY 03

Left or right turn are only allowed after approval from Eindhoven Tower.

Visual arrival procedures
Aircraft with MTOW < 2000 kg

  • Contact Eindhoven Tower in advance before entering the CTR.
  • Enter the CTR at 1500ft AMSL and maintain height.
  • Continue via the published VFR route (ZULU, YANKEE, WHISKEY or TANGO), unless other instructed.
  • Join the circuit following ATC instructions.

Aircraft with MTOW ≥ 2000 kg
Due to noise abatement aircraft with MTOW ≥ 2000 kg shall execute an instrument approach.

VFR traffic circuits
Aircraft with MTOW < 2000 kg

Circuitdirection (unless other instructed by Eindhoven Tower):

  • RWY 21 righthand circuit
  • RWY 03 lefthand circuit

Circuitheight: 1000 ft AMSL.

Aircraft with MTOW ≥ 2000 kg

Circuitdirection (unless other instructed by Eindhoven TWR):

  • RWY 21 righthand circuit
  • RWY 03 lefthand circuit

Circuitheight: 1500 ft AMSL.

“Missed approach” procedures
In case of a “missed approach” climb on RWY-track to 1000ft AMSL and inform Eindhoven TWR.

ATC communication
Prior to entering the CTR contact Eindhoven Tower on 131.00

Pilot: “Eindhoven TWR, PHSPE”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, Eindhoven TWR, go ahead

Pilot: “PPE, robin 3000, VFR, overhead Hilvarenbeek, 1500 feet, information A received, for landing”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, WHISKEY arrival for runway 21, report righthand downwind runway 21”

Pilot: “WHISKEY arrival runway 21, will report righthand downwind runway 21, PPE”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, report POB”

Pilot: “two persons on board, PPE”

Pilot: “PPE, on righthand downwind runway 21”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, report final 21”

Pilot: “will report on final runway 21, PPE”

Pilot: “PPE, final runway 21”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, runway 21 cleared to land, winds 230/9 knots”

Pilot: “cleared to land runway 21, PPE”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, backtrack runway 21 and vacate first right”

Pilot: “backtracking and vacating first right, PPE”

Pilot: “PPE, runway 21 vacated at Bravo”

EHEH_TWR: “PPE, taxi to general aviation and switch off approved”

Pilot: “taxiing to general aviation and swithing off now, PPE”