General Terms and Conditions
The Dutch Virtual Area Control Center, hereafter mentioned as Dutch VACC, is part of the VATSIM organisation and responsible for the area covered by the Amsterdam FIR. The Dutch VACC is organised in the VATEUD division. The Dutch VACC is a non-profit organisation with no financial income. Membership is free of charge.
The purpose of the Dutch VACC is to provide high quality ATC in the Netherlands on the VATSIM network. The Dutch VACC strives to achieve maximum realism and simulates real life procedures. Also, the Dutch VACC gives members the opportunity to learn about flying and controlling.
Head of the Dutch VACC staff. Must be a member of good standing and be a member of the Dutch VACC for at least one year. Must have the rating of controller or higher.
Staff member
Member working in the management of the Dutch VACC, coordinated by the Director. Must be a member of good standing and be a member of the Dutch VACC for at least one month. Must have a rating of senior student (S2), or higher.
The active management of the Dutch VACC.
Official website, hereafter mentioned as the website.
Official forum, hereafter mentioned as the forum.
Parent organisations
VATSIM – Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network –
VATEMEA – VATSIM Europe, Middle-East, Africa Region
VATEUD – VATSIM European Division –
The specific Dutch VACC rules as mentioned below and the general rules & terms of the parent organizations, hereafter mentioned as the rules.
Any person who agrees with the objective and rules may apply for a membership and by approval of the staff become a member of the Dutch VACC. The applicant must have a valid VATSIM ID and email. The applicant must select the correct Division/Region within the VATSIM membership database. Applicants must apply with their full name as required by VATSIM.
Once an application is approved by the staff, the new member will have full access to the website as well as the forum.
Specific rules of the Dutch VACC
On the VATSIM network, on the forum and when representing him-/herself as a member of the Dutch VACC within the Flight Simulation community on the internet, members are required to abide by the following rules:
- The regulations of the parent organisations of the Dutch VACC.
- Treat each other with mutual respect, do not threat, harass other members.
- File any complaints regarding matters within the Dutch VACC to the staff, do not air grievances openly.
- Adhere to instructions of the staff regarding manning of ATC-positions within the Dutch VACC, see also restricted ratings.
- Follow debates and information provided in the forum as well as on the website.
entitled to:
- Give ATC-service within the Amsterdam FIR (see restricted ratings).
- Receive training in ATC procedures as well as training for pilot procedures.
- Recommendations for upgrades as practically feasible and when they are considered competent.
- Use the facilities at the website and the forum.
Visiting controllers
Visiting controllers are only allowed to provide ATC in the Amsterdam FIR after approval by the staff. Each occasion will be reviewed separately by the staff. The Training Department is currently in the process of writing completely new and translating old manuals to English. Once this process is finished, we will open applications for visiting controllers. Please note that this generally does not include positions at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (EHAM) and Amsterdam Radar (EHAA CTR).
The staff has the right to suspend, without further notice, the membership of any member of the Dutch VACC if he or she has violated the rules of the Dutch VACC or their parent organisations or instructions of the staff. The staff has to inform the member about the reason for and the duration of this suspension as soon as reasonably practicable.
Information on the suspension will be appended to the VATSIM membership record of the member.
The member can appeal within seven days after the submission of the suspension. Staff will review the appeal within fourteen days after receiving. After reviewing the staff will make a decision. In the case the suspension was not justified, the appended information regarding the suspension will be removed from the VATSIM membership record and the suspension will be revoked immediately.
During the time of the suspension the member may not:
- Man active ATC-positions within the EHAA fir.
- Vote on issues concerning the Dutch VACC.
- Engage in any debate on the forum.
Termination of the membership
Upon termination of the membership of the Dutch VACC, the member looses all rights within the area of responsibility of the Dutch VACC. The staff has no obligation as to retain or remove traces (like documents or forum posts) from the member.
Termination by the member
Any member can terminate his or her membership at any time by sending an e-mail to the webmaster.
Termination by the staff of the Dutch VACC
The staff has the right to terminate the membership of any member of the Dutch VACC if he or she – after at least one temporary suspension – continues to violate the rules or instructions from the staff. The staff has to inform the member about the reason for the termination of his or her membership as soon as reasonably practicable.
Information on the exclusion will be appended to the VATSIM membership record of the member.
The member can appeal within seven days after the termination of his membership. Staff will review the appeal within fourteen days after receiving. After reviewing the staff will make a decision. In the case the termination was not justified, the appended information regarding the termination will be removed from the VATSIM membership record and the member will be reinstalled.
Daily business of the Dutch VACC is being handled by the staff. The staff shall, within the constraints of the constitution, work for the members of the Dutch VACC and defend their interests.
Staff positions
ACCNL1 – Director
ACCNL2 – Deputy Director
ACCNL3 – Webmaster
ACCNL4 – Training Director
ACCNL5 – Assistant Training Director
ACCNL6 – Public Relations Manager
ACCNL7 – Events Director
Staff members are required to:
- See to it that all members obey the rules of this constitution.
- Respond to external communication from members within their field of responsibility within one week.
- Respond to internal communication from other staff members within three days.
- Maintain an ordered record of communication, documents and agreements in order for this to be handed over to a successor.
- Temporarily hand over their responsibility during vacation periods to another member of the staff.
- Resign with at least one month notice by letter to the director.
Election & appointment
All staff members are elected by the members. Whenever there is a vacant position, which is to be filled, the staff will inform their members. It is up to the staff to decide if a vacant position is to be filled. Applicants will send a resume and motivation to the staff. The staff will then publish a poll with applicants who fit the job description. The poll will be open for fourteen days. Within this period all members are allowed to vote either in favor of an applicant, against an applicant if there is a single applicant, or the option ‘blanco’. Seated staff members do not vote in a poll. After the poll is closed, the applicant with the most votes is appointed in the specific function by the director. If there is only one applicant, at least 50% of the votes should be in favor. Staff members are appointed for life.
Staff members are dismissed by the director. Staff members can only be dismissed after violating the rules of the VACC or VATSIM. Discussions should be made with the affected staff member and efforts should be made to avoid dismissal. Staff members can only be dismissed after been discussed with all staff members and if more than 50% of the staff approve the dismissal.
All staff members are entitled to resign. They should inform the director well in advance and it is considered good manner to perform their duties until a successor has been appointed. The staff member resigning should help the successor and introduce him/her to the task and hand over all material to run the office.