Regional Airports
There are some interesting regional airports in the Netherlands. The most imporant ones are:
- EHBK / Maastricht Aachen Airport
- EHEH / Eindhoven Airport
- EHGG / Groningen Airport Eelde
- EHRD / Rotterdam – The Hague Airport
Basicly, all IFR procedures for these airports can be found in the AIP the Netherlands. The AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) is official government information about the airports. ATC the Netherlands publishes the electronical version of the AIP and VFG on the Internet. More information and links can be found in the Charts section of this website.
There is one major difference you have to keep in mind:
At Amsterdam Schiphol (EHAM) the airway clearance will be issued before startup approval. At all the other regional airports, the startup clearance will be given first and you will receive your airway clearance normally during taxi to the active runway. One exception is Rotterdam where you will recieve airway clearance almost immediately after startup approval.
So, if you are parked at:
- Amsterdam: request airway clearence before start-up.
- Rotterdam: request start-up clearence and expect airway clearence (almost) immediately after start-up approval.
- All other regional airports: request start-up clearence and expect airway clearence during taxi.
It is important to note that for Rotterdam-The Hague airport there are a few important differences between the scenery and the AIP. These include:
- The ILS frequencies cause a lot of troubles for FS pilots. Runway 06 does not have an ILS in FSX default scenery or NL2000, whereas the charts indicate 109.1 MHz. Various scenery add-ons simulate this ILS, although with the wrong frequency: Aerosoft has 110.9 (old patch) or 111.9 (default Aerosoft), but the newest patch does have 109.1. NL2000 has a patch available, but this one changes the frequency to 110.9.
- The ILS for 24 is 110.9 MHz, which is simulated correctly with the NL2000 patch, but is programmed wrong in default FSX and default NL2000 (108.3) and in Aerosoft X (111.).
- The holding points have recently been renamed to V1-V6, but are still named V1-V4 in Aerosoft and NL2000.
- The stands of default FSX are oriented in the wrong direction (namely pointing to the south). The correct direction is to the north.
- Stands B1, C1 and D1 of Aerosoft X are positioned on NL2000’s taxiway Y, so it’s better to avoid using these stands.
- The frequency of the ATIS is 110.4 MHz in real life, but 118.075 is used on VATSIM.