Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (EHAM)
Scenery recommendations
- P3D/FSX Payware
The Dutch VACC recommends FlyTampa’s Amsterdam scenery. This is a commercial scenery but well worth your money. The airport is well designed with sharp and very detailed textures and supported by GSX. - P3D Payware
A new addition to the line-up of Dutch FS products is OrbX Netherlands true earth. An immersive rendition of the entire country based on sattelite imagery, including 3D structures. Perfect for low and slow VFR flights. - P3D/FSX Freeware
Another good alternative is the “The Netherlands 2000 Scenery Project” (NL2000). Every square meter of the Netherlands is included, and the scenery is a great addition to your flight simulator. this pack also includes the Dutch regional airports. - X-Plane 10 Payware
Aerosoft has also created a great scenery for X-Plane 10.
Specific local ATC procedures
– Auto-handoff procedures
Departing flights shall remain on TWR frequency until passing 2000ft AMSL, and then switch to EHAM_W_APP (121.200) or EHAM_E_APP (119.050) and report their altitude for identification by ATC. The appropriate departure frequency is mentioned on the SID charts. Usually only EHAM_W_APP is online and then that freq shall be used for all SIDs. No handoff will be given by Schiphol Tower.
Arriving flights shall report runway vacated to Schiphol Ground ( EHAM_N_GND , EHAM_S_GND or EHAM_W_GND). The correct frequency depends on the runway you vacate. See apron charts for more information. In case there is only 1 GND frequency active, that controller shall be contacted . No handoff will be given by Schiphol Tower.
– Speed restrictions Schiphol TMA
250 kts When crossing the IAF (SUGOL, ARTIP or RIVER)
220 kts within 15 DME SPL
160 kts until passing 4NM final
Simulating full ground procedures
We will continue to provide realistic ATC services until the aircraft is parked at the (assigned) gate or parking position. Pilots are urged not to logoff after landing but to taxi to their assigned gate. Please have your airport- and taxi-diagrams ready at hand.
– Enroute & startup clearances
Enroute clearances may be requested 20 minutes prior ETD on the Schiphol Delivery frequency (EHAM_DEL). When a pilot requests an enroute clearance, it does not mean that the pilot has to be fully ready for start-up at that moment. The pilot will be asked to report fully ready for start-up, either on the Schiphol Delivery or during peak hours on the Schiphol Start-Up Control frequency (EHAM_S_DEL). The Schiphol Start-Up frequency shall only be contacted on ATC discretion.
Please mind that a start-up approval does not mean that the pilot is cleared for push-back! Usually the start-up and push-back clearance will be given by Schiphol Ground. Start-up clearance implies that the flight is released to start his flight.
– Specific Schiphol ground procedures
Pilots shall follow standard taxi-routes unless instructed otherwise by ATC. Taxiway A is used clockwise and taxiway B is used anti-clockwise. Only deviate from this if instructed by ATC.
Pilots shall push-back their plane in accordance with standard pushback procedures as depicted on apron charts. Pilots cleared for an “alternative push-back” shall turn the nose in the opposite direction as depicted on the apron charts.
Some parking positions at Schiphol have push-pull procedures. A push-pull means that the aircraft is being pushed away from the gate first, and then towed into the nearest push-back bay or position as indicated by ATC. Pilots may not start the engines during a push-pull procedure, they may do so only after the pull-out is completed.
Routing instruction “via the south” means taxiing via taxiway “Q”.
Routing instruction “via the north” means taxiiing along Rwy 09/27 via the north side of the airport.
– Taxiway V & Z and intermediate holding positions
Taxiway “V” is part of the addon scenery that is required for runway 36L/18R. This taxiway is marked by a few intermediate holding positions that may be used by ATC. These positions are named “VL”, “VK” and “VM”. These positions can be found on the map below:
On taxiway Y and Z, there are holding points called “Y1”, “Y2”, “Z1” and “Z2”. In real world, these are equipped with a stop-bar, which is a series of lights a pilot may never cross if they light up red. Officially a pilot may not cross these holding points without ATC clearance (R/T: “KLM123, cross Z1”).
Runways with various departure routes to the same ATC-route
Mind that some runways, for example runway 09 and runway 24, have more SIDs leading to the same ATS-route. For example runway 24 has an ANDIK and a SPIJKERBOOR departure leading to the UN872 route. Please pay attention to your ATC clearance and study the departure charts to avoid flying the wrong SID.
Make sure you have the latest charts
Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) publishes the electronical version of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) on the Internet. The AIP is the official government information so it is always up-to-date. The Dutch VACC does not offer charts for download on our website anymore. Visit the Charts section of this website for more information and a link to the AIP.